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Update 0.14 (Doki Village in the making!)
This week I bring the Doki-Town/Village update! Thanks to Dr. Regimen I made a big chunk of progress with getting this together! It's only in the testing phase...
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馃Update 0.13 (More Dev stuff)馃
This week did not herald much of an update other than the usual things! I am doing daily streams of me working on new content for the game and other things here...
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馃Update 0.12 (Moving along)馃
This week bring in small updates, I have to adjust the sprites but all 4 Monkers costumes are in th game and ready to be worn! I added some new food and a drink...
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馃懟Update 0.11 (Some new news)馃懟
This is going to be a taxing week on me coming up but no complaints here! I am going through with revamping the game from the ground up to accommodate more cust...
馃巸Update 0.10 (Overhaul inbound)馃巸
I just found a script where I can finally implement visual outfits and hair style changes to the Monkers.. But that means I have to redo the sprites from the gr...
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Update 0.9 (Weekly smol Update/Tweaks)
A small update this week, I haven't been getting much in the way of rest so please forgive me for this smol update. I added a Beach background from my tato game...
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Update 0.8 (Weather Update)
This update I am bringing the weather system from my Kawaii Potato game into this game. If you have a previous save then it might not load and in that case down...
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Update 0.7 (Smol Fixes and a new room)
I have fixed more text and added more snacks and a Sayori's room! Going forward I am looking to redo the progress I made with getting this to work on mobile.. A...
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Last post
hi again! i want to ask where can i find the file? I downloaded the game and i was not able to find it (very sorry to as...
started by Briberri Oct 26, 2022
3 replies
hi! i am very curious and interested on this game, however i started my accounts yesterday so how do i downlod this game...
started by Briberri Oct 25, 2022
2 replies
I rate this Monker/10 My objective now is to beat every single one of them at Rock Paper Scissors
started by Blue Quacker Jul 26, 2022
2 replies